Course Syllabus



Instructor:  Ken Peek

Email:      Phone:  816-736-5500 ext. 2458

Office Hours:  4th and 6th Hours

COURSE OVERVIEW:  Health Education is an introduction to health topics relevant to today’s high school student.  Topics covered provide a solid background of knowledge to assist students in making healthy decisions as they move into young adulthood.

INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS:  Lecture, Discussion, Group Work.  A large focus will be on learner-centered activities that promote independent and critical thinking skills.  

BLENDED LEARNING:  This class will utilize blended learning.  In order to be released for BL, you must have at least an 80% and no missing assignments.  On BL days, students will sign out and indicate which area they will work at: Room 429, LMC, or Learning Stairs.  Students who do BL must have their assignments submitted by the due date.

MATERIALS NEEDED FOR CLASS:  Bring laptop (charged) daily.  Notebook.


Email response time is within 24 hours.

Grading Assignments:

  • Deadlines/due dates will be posted for each assignment.   Most individual assignments will be due the day we work on them.  You will have time to work on assignments in class.  Assignments that are late will have a 5% grade deduction per day, maximum 20% late penalty.  Project assignments may have more days to complete -- but must still be completed by the due date.
  • Regular Assignments (discussions, quizzes, assignments with objective questions) grades will be posted within 48 hours of the assignment submission deadline.  Please check your Canvas grade book as I leave comments on many assignments.  Canvas scores will be transmitted to PowerSchool daily at midnight or via a manual sync from the teacher.
  • Critical Thinking Assignments (essays, term papers, projects, assignments with subjective questions) Grades will be posted within 4 days of the assignment submission deadline.  

LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: Unless otherwise specified, students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson content by completing their own work independently.  Students may collaborate with their peers if appropriate to do so based upon the learning expectations for the day.

COURSE UNITS: (order is subject to change)

  • Module 0: Introduction Assignments
  • Module 1: Assets and Maslow (Health & Wellness)
  • Module 2: Drugs vs Meds (Substance Abuse)
  • Module 3: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs
  • Module 4: Communicable Diseases
  • Module 5: Cancer Research Project
  • Module 6: Healthy Relationships and STI/STDs
  • Module 7: Mental Health
  • Module 8: Nutrition and Fitness
  • Module 9: CPR/First Aid/Emergencies


  1. Follow the Golden Rule.
  2. It’s NEVER okay to disrupt the learning environment with inappropriate posts.
  3. It’s NEVER okay to hurt someone with your actions, words, or behavior.
  4. Complete all assignments and tasks on time.
  5. ALWAYS communicate w/ me, and let me know what's going on.



Students must complete their own work.  The penalty for submitting another student's work as your own is an automatic zero on that assignment and administrative referral and parent contact.

GRADING:  Grades are based on a percentage of total points available.  Grade breakdown is as follows:

A      94 – 100%                A-     90 – 93%        

B+    87-89%                    B      84-86%                    B-     80-83%          

C+    77-79%                    C      74-76%                    C-     70-73%

D+    67-69%                    D      64-66%                    D-     60-63%                   

F       59% and below




Human Sexuality and Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

The Board of Education recognizes that parents/guardians should be the primary source of sexuality education for their children. The Board also recognizes that effective sexuality education, taught in concert with parents/guardians, helps students avoid risks to their health and academic success and prepares them to make informed decisions as adults. The district will offer instruction in human sexuality and will provide instruction regarding sexual abuse as required by law.  All instruction will be appropriate to the age of the students receiving the instruction, and students may be separated by gender for instruction. Examples of topics covered would be Consent, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse.


If you choose to opt out, please ask the teacher for a form to take home for parent release.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due