Course Syllabus

Welcome to Spanish with Doctora Stephens! It is my job to help each of you grow as language learners! I will arm you with the tools necessary to grow from your level of readiness. It is your job to choose learning tools that will help you improve your understanding. I look forward to helping each of you on your language journey!

Grading = Total Points

Assessments consist of 90-95% of your grade. All projects/assessments are aligned to the "Levels of Understanding" (seen above). Each one is built to reflect your understanding of concepts from Basic to Advanced. Listening/Speaking/Writing/Speaking will all occur throughout the unit and will be assessed via tests or projects. 

Practice is 5-10% of your grade. Frequently, I will reference the levels of understanding as seen above without assigning a grade. Please note not everything we do will count as points. However, all practice is intended to support your learning. 

Reality Checks are a great way to spot check your understanding throughout a unit. These are mini-assessments for you and me to evaluate if you need extended help during Liberty Hour. Once a unit one of the Reality Checks will count toward your class grade (see the section on Learning Growth Opportunities).

point chasingKnowledge Seeking Opportunities

It is your job to grow in understanding. It is my job to give you as many tools as possible to help you learn. If you ever want to improve your understanding here is what YOU need to do:
  1. First, attend Liberty Hour for Tutoring
  2. Once we agree that you increased understanding of the learning objectives you can be reassessed

Since language builds on itself you will need to complete/rework all assigned practice as part of this learning growth opportunity, even if the practice was not for a grade.

Quality work and improving understanding is the only way to raise your grade.

Extra Credit is not an option in this class as it is NOT a reflection of your knowledge/understanding of the Spanish language.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due